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This is the logo for Rightly Ordered with the words of the business in the middle in two colors of brown and a box around the words in two colors of blue, one line being an arrow that points to the right.

Offering individuals and organizations

mentoring, coaching, training, consulting, advising, speaking, and presenting


What People Say
~ from the amazing people with whom I've worked ~


"I trust LeeAnne more than any counselor I have seen. I’m so grateful for her wisdom and counsel.  I have recommended LeeAnne to two of my friends who needed advice in their marriage and would recommend her to any who want a stronger marriage or are in a troubled marriage."

Parental Divorce,
M/F Differences,
Open Life Coaching

"I would recommend LeeAnne wholeheartedly to anyone who is looking for help in dealing with past trauma from their family of origin, learning how to detach in a loving, Christian way, or who wants to become a better wife and mother. Whether that means through practical tips like household cleaning, or through talking through real challenges with practical outcomes. LeeAnne covers the gamut and gives advice that can be applied instantly."


"After working with LeeAnne, I was able to set boundaries better

without feeling as guilty in both personal and professional life.

My confidence

increased, and my relationships improved.

I also began to

develop the skill of discerning people and  situations and trusting those judgments."

No time to read the entire site?

Feel free to explore the Rightly Ordered site.

If you are short on time, though, and see a topic above that describes your needs, skip right to scheduling a free introductory session, and we'll tailor something to meet your needs or the needs of your organization.

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